Palouse Skatepark, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 Charitable Giving Organization, overseeing the development of the
privately-funded Palouse Skatepark & Tony Kettel Skate Gardens in Palouse, WA
The Tony Kettel Skate Gardens
Next Development Phase: Access
We are working with DesignWest Architects for design specs of a curving staircase into the Skate Gardens from the East corner of the Palouse Skatepark on Whitman Street. There is an intentional gap in the fencing at the project site for this purpose. Our team will continue to fundraise for this staircase, future plantings and site improvements, and is also presently exploring options for ADA Access into the space. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to our efforts!
Gifts to the Gardens:
Monetary gifts of any amount to our gardens in memory of a loved one, or in celebration of an occasion, are special, and greatly appreciated. You will receive a letter in receipt of your tax-deductible gift, and the recipient party will be notified of your thoughtful contribution. You may also choose to remain anonymous.
Checks should be made payable to Palouse Skatepark, Inc. with a description of what the payment is for
and mailed to: Tony Kettel Skate Gardens
530 E Alder
Palouse, WA 99161
For more information, and to join our Garden Transformation Team
Please contact a Co-Chair:
Marie Dymkoski
Nicole Flansburg