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Palouse Skatepark, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 Charitable Giving Organization, overseeing the development of the
privately-funded Palouse Skatepark & Tony Kettel Skate Gardens in Palouse, WA
"Gardens are necessary, at least in my life. They provide so much joy not just for we humans but also for many living creatures. To have such an amazing space in the heart of downtown is truly a one of a kind gift!
The best part is that it is a blank canvas and it can be any thing we want it to be. We have some talented college kids working on ideas plus our own input, lots of ideas. The garden will be well thought out and something everyone can enjoy.
I'm so excited to be a part of this group and I hope you will join me in this endeavor!"
- Judy Finch, Community Member & Garden Transformation Team Member
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