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Palouse Skatepark, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 Charitable Giving Organization, overseeing the development of the
privately-funded Palouse Skatepark & Tony Kettel Skate Gardens in Palouse, WA
Thank you, Business Contributors!
($1,000 +)
DIM Enterprises
Flansburg Farms, Inc.
($500 +)
Zimmer Farms, LLC
Pickard Orthodontics
Thank you to our Garden Transformation Partners:
Northwest Farm Credit Services
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
Calvary Chapel of the Palouse
Disability Action Center NW
Dugger Farms, LLC
Fiddler's Ridge Farm
Flansburg Farms, Inc.
Garfield-Palouse FFA Chapter
Moscow-Pullman Building Supply
Palouse Arts Council
Palouse Audubon Society
Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute
Palouse Conservation District
Palouse Library
Tree Keepers
University of Idaho: Earth Club
University of Idaho Extension Services- Latah County Office
University of Idaho: Landscape Architecture Program
Whitman Conservation District
Washington State University: Masters of Design Program
Washington State University: Center for Civic Engagement
Proud recipient of $15,000
Tony Hawk Foundation Grant!
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